Month: February 2020

Dead Celebrity Ep 18 – Mickey Rooney: Elder Abuse and Preventing Post-Death Litigation — With Vivian Lee Thoreen

Dead Celebrity Ep 18 – Mickey Rooney: Elder Abuse and Preventing Post-Death Litigation — With Vivian Lee Thoreen

Sponsored By: FS Investments

Numerous post-death estate-litigation cases happen across the U.S. every day. How will you help your clients understand their estate planning decisions and ultimately prevent post-death litigation?

In this episode, David Lenok,’s senior editor, is joined by the attorney who represented Mickey Rooney and his estate in his elder abuse and estate litigations, Vivian Lee Thoreen of Holland & Knight, to discuss how advisors can help clients make effective decisions about guardianship to protect their elderly clients and reduce the chance of post-death litigation. Together, they discuss the financial elder abuse and estate of actor Mickey Rooney, who spent the last years of his life living in pain and fear without a dollar in his wallet.

 In this episode, you will learn:

 What the different types of guardianship/conservatorship are;

  • Why it is important for elders to not delegate all of their responsibility away;
  • Why practical conversations about the division of the estate are important;
  • How common sense does not always apply in estate planning;
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn some tips to recognize elder abuse and help your clients reduce the chance of post-death litigation.

Resources: | Holland & Knight


Dead Celebrity Ep 17 – Elizabeth Taylor: Going Deep With Your Philanthropy — With Bruce DeBoskey

Dead Celebrity Ep 17 – Elizabeth Taylor: Going Deep With Your Philanthropy — With Bruce DeBoskey

Sponsored By: FS Investments

What kind of difference do your clients want to make in the world — and for themselves — with their philanthropy?

In this episode,’s senior editor, David Lenok, is joined by Bruce DeBoskey, president and founder of The DeBoskey Group. Bruce has dedicated his life to helping others maximize the impact of their philanthropic giving. Together, David and Bruce discuss the legacy of Elizabeth Taylor, one of classical Hollywood cinema’s most beloved stars, to serve as inspiration for teaching advisors how to help clients deepen their impact

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What role philanthropy can play in your clients’ financial plans
  • How to help your clients decide what kind of difference they want their philanthropy to make in the world and for themselves
  • Why clients will make a greater impact with their giving if they narrow their focus 
  • How multigenerational families, in particular, can benefit from having a mission statement to guide their philanthropic efforts
  • Why Bruce encourages his clients to “give while they live”
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how to help your clients deepen their impact. 

Resources: | The DeBoskey Group